Daily Motivational Quotes

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Daily Motivational Quotes from B2B Sales Connections

Are you looking for a simple way to start your day on a positive note? The you need daily motivational quotes!

A collection of favourite motivational quotes all in one place!

Some are sales related, some are business related, but most are simply life related. They are in no particular order, just a random thought for each day of the year to help keep you on a positive note.

If the old saying “misery loves company” is true, then motivation must breed happiness!

Daily Motivational Quotes – If misery loves company, than motivation breeds success!

My name is Susan A. Enns and I have spent my entire career, in one form or another, in sales. As such, I have dealt with rejection almost every day of my working life. Don’t get me wrong, I have had a very successful career, but no sales person hears “yes” all the time. In fact, it is just the opposite. We hear “no” many more times than we hear yes.

In sales, rejection is just something we deal with every day. When we let it get us down, it shows to everyone we meet, including our customers, our colleagues and our family. Essentially, our negative attitude becomes our worst enemy. Even if you are not is sales, if you let your negative thoughts get the best of you, you are your own worst enemy too.

Get Motivated! Stay positive! Be happier!

Given my profession, I have been asked many times how do I stay positive? It can’t be easy to keep the right attitude when you have to deal with rejection every day, right? Yes, actually, it can be. I stay positive because I choose to stay positive. Actually, I make a conscious effort to not be negative and to only be positive.

B2B Sales Connections Testimonial

I discovered long ago that a motivational quote always puts me in the right frame of mind. I started searching the internet for a daily quote that made me smile or motivated me in some way. Each day I did this, I found that I became better mentally prepared to tackle the day.

More importantly, I was just happier!

Positivity is Contagious!

Daily Motivational Quotes by B2B Sales Connections

I started to share what I found online. I would put a daily motivational quote in our Facebook and LinkedIn pages, I would blog about them, and I would tweet them on Twitter. Friends, family, and business associates all enjoyed them so much they started calling me “The Quote Lady.” More importantly, everyone’s positive attitude seemed to be contagious. The more the motivation spread, the more everyone became motivated!

That’s when I decided to pull together a collection of my favorite motivational quotes all in one place, and this eBook was created.  What I didn’t know at the time though was how much the right motivational quote helps me stay positive as I did the one day life threw me a curve ball when a doctor told me I had breast cancer.

I hope you enjoy my collection of motivational quotes as much as I do.

Remember, your thoughts control your outcomes and you control your thoughts. So choose wisely!


  • “Thank you for your everyday contribution to our success!” – Cyril K.
  • “It is really amazing for what you are doing in helping others stay positive and overcome their challenges, whatsoever small or big they may be” – Parmod R.
  • “Susan inspires me to “do better” and help others.” – Loretto C.
  • “Like it…Very Motivating” – Jeff W.
  • “I wish to thank you for all of your efforts that you put in to helping me succeed.” – Barry M.
  • “You don’t know how much you have helped me since I have known you and your website” – Ravi O.
  • “You provide great material and more importanly you give with an open heart.” – Waleed H.
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