Wondering how to stop playing phone tag? Is email tag to arrange meetings wasting too much of your time? Here’s how to eliminate it!
I’m the first to admit that technology has given me much faster and more efficient methods of collaborating with clients and prospects; but I am always amazed that very few people are actually taking advantage of technology that could make their lives easier and their business run better.
Text messaging may be instant and email will allow you to communicate with people at their leisure instead of interrupting them with a phone call at an inopportune time, but there are powerful technologies that very few business people are using.
What is Phone Tag and Why Do You Need to Know How to Stop It?
Merriam-Webster defines telephone tag as telephoning back and forth by parties trying to reach each other without success. Now with the advent to technology, phone tag as morfed into email and text tag as well. No matter what devices you use, phone and email tag are just a waste of time and resources for all involved. That’s why you need you know how to stop it.
Does this sound like you? You're trying to arrange a meeting or phone call with someone. You send them an email requesting a meeting, they agree. You send a date and they get busy and don't reply for a couple of days. By the time they reply you have already scheduled something else on that date in the time that you had made available. So you start the process again. New day, new string of emails or texts and new events keep getting in the way.
If this happens to you regularly, you need to know how to stop playing phone and email tag!
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How To Eliminate Phone Tag
So how do you stop playing phone tag? Use an online calendar service that can be shared with others. I use Calendly. SimplyBook.me is another one, and there are lots of other ones available.
This simple app is connected directly to my calendar and when I have to book a meeting or phone call, I simply send the other person a link to my calendar with a message that they can choose a time that best fits their schedule. It works wonders and saves so much time.
One email or text and you are done. No need to go back and forth for days trying to synchronize your schedules. The use of this simple app saves me time, reduces frustration and makes my day less complicated. You will also impress your customers and clients when they realize that you have a better business system.
This is truly a work smarter not harder time management fix.
If you would like more ideas on how to improve your sales and marketing please visit the free B2B Sales Connections Download Centre and download a free copy of – 6 Steps to Building A Powerful Lead Referral Program in 30 Days
Aim Higher!
Robert J. Weese, B2B Sales Coach
“When you lead a struggling sales division from the brink of closing to over $7.4 million dollars in annual sales you can be confident, Robert knows how to engage customers and build sales.”
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