$3 Million Dollar Voicemail

Not convinced you should always leave a voicemail when prospecting for sales? Then check out the case of the $3 million dollar voicemail.

The Voicemail Debate Among Salespeople

The $3 Million Dollar Voicemail - Sales Tips from B2B Sales Connections

Recently, Susan posted a discussion on our Linkedin Group that generated a lot of discussion on the merits of leaving a voicemail. There were numerous comments left debating both sides of the issue. I would like to relay a quick voice mail story that happened at one of my clients recently.

The clients sales team had long debated the pros and cons of leaving a voicemail message. So a few of the salespeople decided they were going to start leaving a well crafted voicemail and see if they would be successful.

The 3 Million Dollar Voicemail

Two days later one of the rep’s called me up so excited they were almost coming through the phone. He had left a voicemail for a prospect who he had never spoken to at a company on his target list. 

Twenty minutes after he left the voicemail message the contact from the prospects company called him back. They wanted to find out more about the product he was selling.

How to Create a Unique Value Proposition That Helps You Find New Business Faster

    20 Seconds of Sales Time Well Spent!

    Instead of launching into a ‘pitch’ about his product he asked the prospect what prompted them to call. It turns out the client had just been told by a major supplier they would not be renewing their contract. And shipments of the products would stop. The prospect pegged the value of the contract at over $3 million and asked for a meeting immediately to discuss the opportunity.  Not bad for a 20 second voicemail.

    By the way, all of the sales team has started to leave voicemails.

    Still not convinced to leave a voicemail? Check out why scammers now make voicemail a must use for sales professionals.

    Aim Higher!

    Robert J. Weese, B2B Sales Coach

    “When you lead a struggling sales division from the brink of closing to over $7.4 million dollars in annual sales you can be confident, Robert knows how to engage customers and build sales.”

    Whether it's accelerating your LinkedIn networking, creating an email drip marketing campaign, scripting your introductory phone calls, or a combination of the above, the right B2B Sales Coach can help you develop the most effective lead generation program customized for you to grow your business.

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