Has COVID changed your sales funnel? Are you wondering how you are going to move forward and make your sales numbers in the “new normal”? In my recent interview with Scott Cundill, we ask and answer that exact question.
B2B Technology Sellers – Where are Your Opportunities?

If you are like most business to business sales reps, you are wondering how you are going to move forward and make your sales numbers in the new normal COVID-19 has created.
In my recent interview with Scott Cundill of ScottCundill.com for his “12-minutes With Passionate Performers!” Series, we ask and answer that exact question.
Has COVID Changed Your Sales Funnel?
Have you asked yourself questions like these?
- “How am I going to generate new leads and prospects?”
- “How many prospects do I need to succeed?”
- “How do I fill my sales pipeline in a pandemic?”
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you really need to watch this interview.
You Can Still Sell in a Crisis
Whether COVID changed your sales funnel, or it shrunk by some other uncontrollable factor, you can still sell in a crisis.
The key is to have a steady steam of prospects so that you are always adding to the top of your sales pipeline.
Remember, sales is a numbers game. The more prospects that go into the top of your sales funnel, the more sales that comes out the bottom.
FREE eBOOK! Attract New B2B Customers Fast and Effectively Using Outbound Lead Generation |
Do you have a question about sales? You’re not alone. Most salespeople have questions like this on how they can sell more. For the right answers, check out my book, Ask the Sales Coach-Practical Answers to the Questions Sales People Ask Most.
Aim Higher!
Susan A. Enns, B2B Sales Coach and Author
Schedule a free sales coaching strategy session with Susan here.
“… what I can tell anyone, is simply this – If you want to learn and understand sales, talk to Susan.”
Whether it's accelerating your LinkedIn networking, creating an email drip marketing campaign, scripting your introductory phone calls, or a combination of the above, the right B2B Sales Coach can help you develop the most effective lead generation program customized for you to grow your business.