Looking for the best free sales and sales training blogs on the internet. If you are like most sales representatives and managers, you should be.
Studies show, regardless of their experience, 25% of sales reps produce 90 to 95% of all sales. Clearly, most sales people are not selling up to their potential, not making the incomes they could, and not generating the revenues for their organizations they should.
About the B2B Sales Connections Blog
B2B Sales Connections wants to change that fact. We have been told over and over that we have “…a great website filled with valuable insights on the B2B world.” And we’ve been named “One of Best Sales Blogs (2023)”, “One of The 19 Sales Groups You Should Join On LinkedIn” and “Top 30 B2B Sales Blogs to follow in 2021” and “One of The 20 Best Canadian Blogs and Websites”.
We love receiving that kind of feedback because we work very hard to publish content that will help business to business sales professionals achieve their true sales potential. Having said that, we don’t have the monopoly on publishing great content for sales and sales management. Not by a long shot!
A collection of the best free sales and sales management training blogs on in the internet.
So, to help us all improve, we have compiled a list of some of the best sales and sales management websites and blogs we could find. Listed in no particular order, these sites, some you may recognize and some have yet to be discovered by the masses of the sales world, all provide great free sales and/or sales management training and coaching content.
In our opinion, these are the best free sales training resources on the internet!
Why did we publish this list? Because, if we all do what the top producers do, we would all sell more.
Remember, as the old saying goes, “not doing more than average is what keeps the average down”.
Know a site to add to our sales and sales management blog directory? Feel free to put it in the comment section below!
Aim Higher!
Susan A. Enns, B2B Sales Coach and Author
Schedule a free sales coaching strategy session with Susan here.
The 30 Best Sales and Sales Management Blogs… and Counting!
- A Sales Compass by B2B Sales Connections – Free online sales and sales management training and coaching website described by many as “… an amazing resource for anyone involved in B2B selling”
- Sales Hacker – Learn the latest B2B sales tips, tactics, strategies & technology from the industry’s top thought leaders.
- Sales Gravy – The website of sales expert and author, Jeb Blount, providing free sales training resources from the top sales experts, authors, and trainers
- Zig Ziglar – Ziglar’s knowledge has helped inspire and motivate over 250 million people worldwide
- Jeffrey Gitomer – Jeffrey has earned the crown as the King of Sales
- Gong – The Revenue Success Blog deemed by some as “#1 blog on the Internet for sales.”
- Engage Selling – Sales expert, Coleen Francis shares cutting edge strategies for sales leaders
- Brian Tracy International – Recognized as one of the top sales training and personal success authorities in the world today, Brian Tracy blogs about his personal, sales, leadership and business success tips
- Sales Management Blog – Written by Steven Rosen, a recognized authority on sales management and is considered a top 50 sales influencer
- Hubspot Sales Blog – From the content provider giant, it’s a must read for sales professionals
- Jill Konrath – A frequent speaker at sales conferences and kick-off meetings, sharing her fresh sales strategies that actually work in today’s business environment
- Selling Power Blog – News and insights for sales leaders by Gerhard Gschwandtner, the founder and publisher of SellingPower magazine
- Sales 3.0 Blog – Also part of SellingPower, this site provides strategic insight and best practices for sales and sales management written by various sales experts
- Mark Wayshak – Sales strategist, best selling author, and a top sales motivational speaker
- Boyer Management Group Blog – Best practices guidance galore by Hank Boyer
- National Association of Sales Professionals – Member contributed articles for sales and sales management
- Sales Management Association – A global, cross industry association serving sales leadership professionals
- Castain Training Systems
Paul Castain has a unique sense of humour and a great sense of sales
- The Make It Happen Blog – A blog by John Barrows. John is a sales trainer who has worked with some of the world’s leading companies
- Quintarra Consulting – Brian Jeffrey, aka The Sales Wizard. Brian is an expert in sales and sales management. He has been helping companies maximize their sales for more than 40 years.
- Cerebral Selling – Modern sales training based on science and empathy
- A Sales Guy – Founded by Jim Keenan, a well-known author and dynamic sales speaker
- Quotable Sales Blog by SalesForce – Includes a tremendous amount of content by numerous trusted sales experts
- The Sales Blog – Written by S. Anthony Iannarino, speaker, author and sales leader
- Resourceful Selling – Practical advice curated from industry experts, thought leaders and sales professionals
- Reflective Keynotes Inc. – Mike Aoki shares his expert advice for Contact Centre leaders
- Invisible Selling – Written by Gerry Black, the creator of Invisible Selling
- Tele Concepts Consulting – Jim Domanski is an expert at helping businesses use the telephone more effectively to sell
- CloserIQ – With a large audience of sales leaders, this site is recognized as a top sales blog by Hubspot, PandaDoc, Drift , ZoomInfo and more.
- Nigel Green – A suggestion by a website visitor. A excellent focus on sales leadership and management.
- strongcloser.com – A free weekly source of professional selling and sales management ideas from top sales performers, leading sales experts and trainers.
- Dishah Consultants – A collection of free Powerpoint downloads covering different sales topics, including email templates, objection handling techniques, and advice on what are the best free and paid tools to find prospect’s contact information.
- The Sales Readiness Blog – The Sales Readiness Group shares some great information on all things sales, organized in 5 main categories including Selling Skills, Sales Coaching, Sales Management, Sales Training and Sales Enablement.
- The Sales Blog from Klozers – A collection of more than 200 articles and templates for sales and sales management.
Know a site to add to our sales and sales management blog directory? Feel free to put it in the comment section below! We’d love to hear from you!
Looking for more great sales and sales management tips? Check out the B2B Sales Connections Free Download Centre. Whether you are a salesperson, a sales manager, or a sales executive, this is where you will find the free sales training materials, downloads and tools to help you and your sales team increase your sales.
Great, thanks for the list. You can find here many articles from sales influencers about sales and management.
Maria | Sales training
Thanks, Maria! Looks like a great site from the Netherlands.
You are too kind. I appreciate the mention of my blog on your list.
Our pleasure, Steven! Thanks for publishing such great sales and sales management content!
Nice list of sales management website. I am searching for a solution for my sales team. I need to track our sales rep and looking for software that can also help our distributors and sales managers. With lots of effort, i found grahaak sales management app which really help me a lot.
Great piece! You have constructed a useful list for me to learn from.
Thanks for the feedback, Shayur. Appreciate it. In sales, the learning should never stop. I am glad that you found this list useful to help you do that. Thanks again!
I am very happy to found your site.It’s a useful site for every sales person.
Thanks for sharing this useful info with us.
Our pleasure! Appreciate the feedback. Thanks very much!
Thanks for sharing information. is very helpful and informative.
Thanks very much for your comments. We really appreciate the feedback!
Thanks for sharing the info with us
You’re very welcome. Glad you found the information useful!
Wonderful directory, Susan!
I do feel that the Sales Readiness Group’s blog could be another great resource for people looking to sharpen their selling skills. This blog can be found below.
Thanks for your feedback, Monty! Much appreciated. We will defintely check out the Group’s blog. Thanks again!
Thanks for the heads up, Monty. The Sales Readiness Group’s blog has now been added to our list. Some great information on all things sales there, that;s for sure.
Thank you for sharing this valuable blog list with us
Sales Management Training
Thanks for the feedback! Really appreciate it!
Thanks for the sharing the great list. You can find here many articles from sales influencers about sales development, management and leadership.
Sales Leadership
Thanks Amy! You feedback is greatly appreciated!
Thank you for sharing the list of sales management blog with us. It really helped us a lot…
You are very welcome! Glad the information helped!
This information is extremely beneficial to me, and I would like to encourage you to continue sharing information of this nature.
Great list of blogs and thought leaders. Reference your offer for suggestions on additional blogs if I may put forward our own blog at http://www.klozers.com
The site was built as an example of content marketing and has just under 200 entries on page one of Google with over 100 in the top three positions.
Thanks for the suggestion, Joanne! Looks like a great addition to the list. Feel free to share the list with your followers too. Thanks again!
Great info you have shared here. Yes, this will help us a better understanding about Sales Management
Thanks for your feedback! Appreciate it!
Your blog offers a comprehensive list of sales training resources, providing sales professionals ample opportunities to improve their skills. The extensive directory demonstrates a genuine commitment to elevating the sales profession.
Thank you very much for your feedback. It is very much appreciated!