Sometimes as sales managers, we get so caught up in the day to day drive for sales that we forget the human side of our jobs. What we need to remember though is that a happy sales team is better able to do their jobs and will sell more. Here are some simple ideas to keep your reps in a positive state of mind.
Don’t Forget Salespeople are Human!

Sometimes as sales managers we forget that our sales teams are made up of human beings. They have their own mortgage payments, kids’ soccer games, and “not enough time in the day” stresses just like everyone else. And like everyone else, many of them are feeling overwhelmed and burnt out at work.
In other words, we forget that our sales people don’t work just to reach the quotas we assign them. They work to earn the incomes they need to live the lifestyles they want to live.
A Happy Sales Team Will Work Harder
I was reminded of this when a good friend sent me an email recently. It was about a speech given by Shawn Achor, CEO of Good Think Inc. Anchor researches and teaches about positive psychology. He believes that when we are more positive, we work harder, and therefore are more productive.
In fact, his research shows that with a conscious effort from management using specific techniques, everyone becomes more positive. This attitude change happens even after only a short period of time. As a result, the team will work harder, faster, and more intelligently.
Other research reported supports this as well. In fact, according to Captivate IQ, 81 percent of leaders who rate their salesteam as very happy report annual sales increases! Clearly, making a conscious effort to keep you sales team happy can pay big dividends for the company!
What are Your Salespeople’s Personal Goals?
As Spencer Johnson and Larry Wilson wrote in their book, The One Minute Sales Person, “I have more fun and enjoy more financial success when I stop trying to get what I want and start helping other people get what they want.”
In other words, maybe we should spend more time helping our salespeople achieve their own personal goals as opposed to concentrating on them achieving our quotas.
Remember, quota is not their goal. Living the lifestyle they want to live is!
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You Need to Be a Positive Sales Manager
Are you a positive sales manager? Are you sure? Because often sales managers don't realize how even the shortest of phrases can affect a sales team's outlook in a negative way. For example, you shouldn’t use the phrase, “How did the call go?” with your salespeople. Instead, change your language and it can help keep your sales team happy.
How to Create a Happy Sales Team
So make the effort to help your sales team start each and every day in a positive state of mind. Download a copy of my eBook, Daily Motivational Quotes – If misery loves company, than motivation breeds success! Use it and write a motivational quote on the board in the sales room every morning so everyone can see it. I used to do this every day when I directly managed a sales team. It really made a huge difference!
If your sales team is remote, text the quote to them. You could also share the daily motivational quotes and sales tips we publish on our Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook pages every day. Of if you all just need a good laugh, check out 75+ of the Best Sales Jokes. They are a great way to kick off a sales meeting when stress levels get high at month end.
For more ideas on how you can help you team get and keep a positive outlook, check out How to Keep a Positive Attitude – 10 Tips for Sales People To Get and Keep A Positive Attitude.
The Bottom Line
The happier you keep your sales team, the better able they are to do their jobs and the more they will sell. After all, isn’t that what you wanted in the first place?
Remember as Albert Schweitzer once said, 'Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success.'
Aim Higher!
Susan A. Enns, B2B Sales Coach and Author
Schedule a free sales coaching strategy session with Susan here.
“… what I can tell anyone, is simply this – If you want to learn and understand sales, talk to Susan.”
Susan A. Enns, B2B Sales Coach and Author
Schedule a free sales coaching strategy session with Susan here.
“… what I can tell anyone, is simply this – If you want to learn and understand sales, talk to Susan.”
For proven sales management techniques that will increase your team’s results, check out my book Action Plan for Sales Management Success.
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