What job interview punctuality mean? These days, being punctual goes way beyond just being on time for the job interview.
Everyone knows the critical importance of being on time for your actual job interview.
Over the years in my capacities at all levels of sales and executive management, I have interviewed hundreds of candidates for various sales and sales management positions. With that experience to my credit, I can say that, without a doubt, punctuality counts!
You Need to be Punctual With Your Online and Telephone Communications Too
These days though, punctuality goes beyond just arriving 10 minutes before a scheduled face to face or online interview, however. Now, being on time also means being punctual with your online and telephone communications as well
Job interview punctuality beings with the interview request itself. For example, it is very common for recruiters to send interview requests via email. These email requests should be answered within 24 hours, at the very latest. The same goes for requests for further information. If you can’t respond to an email from a recruiter about a job you applied for within a day, you certainly are not giving an impression that you will respond to customer inquiries in a timely fashion either.
Also, be sure to check your spam folders every day. Recruiters will be sending their interview requests from email addresses that are not in your contact list. This increases the chances that their emails will be flagged as spam. Don’t miss out on an interview opportunity because of an unpredictable spam filter.
Job Interview Punctuality Means Being On Time for Telephone and Online Video Interviews
Telephone and online video interviews are becoming much more the norm these days as technology is allowing recruiters to interview in different cities without the need to travel. If you have one of these interviews scheduled, you should be prepared and ready to answer the call at least 5 minutes before the scheduled time. If it’s for an online video interview, test your microphone and speakers ahead of time and dress for the call just as you would for a face to face interview.
In the recruiting process, everything you do or don’t do reflects on your character and your suitability as a potential employee. Being late, regardless of the mode of communication, only shows you have a lack of respect.
Remember as Lik Hock Yap Ivan once said, “If you’re early, you’re on time. If you’re on time, you’re late.” Punctuality is a choice. Simply put, just choose not to be late.
Aim Higher!
Susan A. Enns, B2B Sales Coach and Author
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“… what I can tell anyone, is simply this – If you want to learn and understand sales, talk to Susan.”
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